Zerwaste  Impact: create biodiversity friendly processes and interactions within and among corporate ecosystems. 

Zerwaste supports organisations from different sectors in the transition from a linear to a circular business model. We want to encourage Lean Circular Thinking, have a Zerowaste Impact and support biodiversity friendly processes inside organisations. Together we explore organisation models, processes and operations, to design how they can have a positive impact, and develop or implement sustainable processes. 

Our impact actions:  

  • Implement corporate processes that support biodiversity and the dynamic interactions within and among ecosystems
  • Develop methods to unlock the path to a sustainable transformation
  • Educate people to see waste and remove it  
  • Support nonprofit organisations in their lean and sustainable transformation
  • Support industrial symbiosis by connecting companies to share insights or IP to reduce waste in their sector

Trusted by companies and nonprofits

We invest 25% of our profits to support our Impact Actions. It means that every Client, Employee or Freelance working with us is having a positive Impact on the planet. 

Lean Circular Workshops
Circular Audits​
CSR Certificate​
Companies with circular KPI​s
Education content
tons of waste recuced/year
tons of CO₂ avoided/year

It’s time to think differently, it’s time to work differently, it’s time to rethink our processes and the way we create and deliver value.  Lorenzo DEL MARMOL – Founder

Working together to have a positive impact

  • We want to develop a culture of openness to explore first-time-right & Zero-defect technologies/ methodologies
  • The openness to share zero waste opportunities with our clients. 
  • The openness to work with people in a way that will bring their vision to life. 
  • The freedom to grow our own business. 
  • We believe in a world in which we can feel inspired, safe and fulfilled every single day. 

Teaching to do better quality with less resources.

Creating a Zerwaste Culture involves getting everyone to see and embrace Lean; to see waste and remove it; to question everything you do; to act only on facts and not opinion, and work together, not in silos.

We always focus on how the products/ service benefits those who buy them. 

We believe that people/leaders are the ones who can deliver on that vision and that it is our responsibility to find and guide them in a way that will bring our vision to life.

Doing better with less

We believe that our mindset shapes our attitude, and this is the ultimate factor that determines our successes or failures. 

Impact Tracking & Reporting

Report to be published in June 2023

Report to be published in June 2024

3 ways to support our actions:  


  1. Work with us 
  2. Share knowledge, insights or IP to reduce waste in your sector. We will help you to promote it 
  3. Sponsorship & donations 

The Road to Zero Waste