Reveal the true performance of your operations

Are you maximizing your department’s potential? Discover what you might be missing with our innovative data-driven approach, now extending beyond production into every corner of your organization. Our Total Effective Operations Performance (TEOP) metric, crafted from comprehensive data across all operational areas, is the key to unlocking hidden efficiencies. Whether you’re leading operations, driving sales, managing finances, spearheading marketing, or overseeing HR, TEOP provides an unparalleled advantage.

TEOP not only uncovers the bottlenecks holding you back but also lays out a roadmap to bridge the gap between your current output and optimal efficiency. It’s more than data; it’s a revelation of untapped potential, guiding operations leaders and managers to make impactful decisions. With TEOP, elevate your team’s performance by strategically aligning resources, refining planning, and executing with precision.

What do we focus on?

We examine all on-site operations that affect efficiency, targeting major improvements across five key areas:


Strategic Planning & Organisation

Aligning resource allocation and qualification to SLA and deadline requirements, ensuring smooth operations in all departments.


Process Optimization

Streamlining workflows to enhance overall operational efficiency.


Efficiency in Task Execution

Implementing methodologies for rapid response and effective problem-solving.


Delivery Quality

Upholding services adherence to client specifications and reducing time squandered due to Out of Specification (OOS), reprocessing/reworking, and over-quality.


Performance Management

Using dashboards and metrics to refine management strategies, ensuring accountability, monitoring progress towards goals and make short-term decisions to adapt to unplanned situations.

How we do it ? A Four-Phase Strategy to Elevate Operational Performance and Formulate a Robust Improvement Plan

Gain unparalleled clarity into your operations, enabling you to make more informed and profitable decisions. ( 2-4 weeks).

Employing a structured method to pinpoint areas needing enhancement, operations leaders give precedence to and validate specific domains for improvement.

Using data from your workflows, we measure your Total Effective Operations Performance (TEOP) to find where improvements can be made. TEOP shows us how your operations is really performing compared to its full potential.


Our analysis focuses on 2 complementary axes:

1 – Process Execution & Activities

  • Analysis of waste & non value added activities
  • Analysis of handling & throughput times of the process
  • Analysis of process bottlenecks
  • Identification of productivity and efficiency ratios of process activities

2 – Process Steering & Management Tools

  • Analysis of process performance management system & tools
  • Analysis of standard procedures and ways of working
  • Analysis of key management activities & best practices of process steering
  • Analysis of problem-solving & continuous improvement system

Why This Approach Matters to you?

  • Identify root-causes of delays and inefficiencies.
  • Prioritize issues and delegate resolution responsibilities.
  • Achieve consistent performance across all departments.
  • Serve or produce more efficiently, without sacrificing quality.
  • Optimize the use of your existing resources.

Deliverables : Impact Overview for full-Spectrum Optimization.

  • Potential improvements identified through TEOP gaps.
  • Estimated operational boost from chosen strategies.

Turn your vision into reality with tailor-made plan that ensure sustainable growth and peak performance. (3 weeks).

After the diagnostic we have a clear view of the operations bottlenecks and a picture of the anticipated future can be drawn. Operations leaders and managers foster a lucid vision of what’s ahead and the route to reach there. Committed to achieving the outlined vision, leaders curate and pledge to detailed, improvement plans.

How do it ?
  • Collaborative workshops with site teams to visualize the future state based on TEOP insights.
  • Rank initiatives based on impact and feasibility.

“We support you in setting strong foundations for long-term performance of your operations, and more resilience to our fast changing world.”

Deliverables: Improvement plan and Strategy – Structured Steps for Seamless Execution

  • Map out the action plan for top-tier projects.
  • Overall Process maturity assessment and scores
  • Quantified improvement potential against cost and lead times
  • Recommendations for quick-wins in process redesign
  • Recommendations for appropriate Lean process metrics
  • Management best practices to implement on short-term

Bringing Vision to Life (6-12 months)

Operations leaders, manager and Zerwaste team are rolling out the initiatives, witnessing a boost in performance.

What can you expect at the end of the Lean wave?


1 – Enhancing Efficiency with Process and Activity Optimization

  • Map key processes and assess their maturity
  • Identify areas of improvement for cost and deadline reduction
  • Highlight non-value added and automatable activities
  • Quantify work volumes, workloads, and distribution of workload by activity type
  • Recommend quick wins for process redesign with Lean metrics
  • Design future processes and estimate FTE impact

2 – Strengthen Performance Management and Organizational Skills

  • Analyze performance management system (KPIs, target setting, dashboards, meetings)
  • Assess capacity management (activity planning, attendance, sickness rate)
  • Examine productivity, variability, and quality compliance (SLAs)
  • Implement good management practices for short-term gains
  • Develop an organizational model for continuous improvement
  • Optimize time allocation and align with customer demand
  • Review competency management (objective setting, profile identification, skill development, problem-solving)

3 – Unlock the Full Potential of Your Team and Processes

  • Simplify and automate workflows using low-code tools like Power Automate
  • Leverage cutting-edge trends to optimize your team’s operations
  • Stay ahead of the competition by embracing innovation and continuous improvement
  • Experience the benefits of a comprehensive and future-proof approach to process improvement and sustainability

Secure, Sustain, Succeed - Making Progress Permanent

The operations continuously improves and upholds enhancements, advocating for the envisioned future.

Continuously monitor, refine, and embed best practices to ensure long-term success and stability. Employing meticulous performance measurement to refine management of activities: steering accountability, and systematically monitoring performance trajectories toward set targets.

They trust us :

Operations leaders turn to us to solve performance and workflow problems, to create growth and sustainability.