Lean Office to Improve Process Execution & Activities

Maximise the performance of your administrative processes and internal service activities

What do we mean when we talk about Lean Office ? What are the objectives ? How do we deal with various projects ? What tools can we make available to your company ?  

We will focus on : 

  • Waste & non value added activities
  • Handling & throughput times of the process
  • Process bottlenecks
  • Productivity and efficiency ratios of process activities

The Zerwaste Lean Office methodology

The Zerwaste Lean Office method is a management strategy focused on the continuous improvement of the performance of administrative processes and service activities. It is based on two key steps:

  • mapping of existing processes
  • standardisation of workstations and modus operandi

Lean Office enables the creation of value for the internal or external customer through the identification and elimination of waste.  This method is also a business philosophy based on the commitment and involvement of the entire organisation in the optimisation of processes, quality and efficiency. It is therefore a people-centred approach with the objective of optimising administrative and business processes, but also human well-being. 

Lean Office Objectives

There are 4 key stakes in Lean:

  1. Eliminate waste, streamline operations and prevent malfunctions
  2. Improve a process for the benefit of all stakeholders (customer, worker, owner)
  3. Analyse and control demand variability,
  4. Remove tool and employee overload.

Deployment of Lean Office

There are several ways of dealing with a project, depending on the type and complexity of the problem being addressed. And each project is deployed differently over time depending on these two variables:


« The most dangerous kind of waste is the waste we do not recognize » –  Shigeo Shingo

Lean Office Tools

Every challenge has a solution. And we use the right Lean Office tools to address it.

For workshops on business process performance and service activities in HR, Finance, Admin, IT...

The Road to Zero Waste