QHSE and ISO Quality and Management Consultant 

Our expertise lies in integrating ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment) and ISO 45001 (Health and Safety) standards into a global QHSE approach. By aligning these international standards, we help companies not only to comply with regulations but also to optimise their internal processes. Integrated management reduces risk, improves customer satisfaction and fosters a culture of operational excellence.

The added value of our Quality Management consultants (ISO-QHSE)

Why an ISO-QHSE approach?

  • Operational efficiency: Consistent management improves performance at all levels.
  • Regulatory compliance: Compliance with legal obligations and international standards.
  • Continuous improvement: Thanks to the integrated PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach.

Our Quality consultants are external service providers with expertise in one or more QHSE fields: Quality, Health, Safety and Environment. They can work on various types of project:

Type of projects

  • ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 audit preparation/certification,
  • Support for quality management,
  • Improving workstation safety and working conditions,
  • Improvement and statistical control of processes,
  • Risk analysis and corrective action,
  • Quality management systems consultancy,
  • Advice and support for certification,
  • Deployment of a Quality Management System,
  • QHSE-related project management,
  • Change management,
    Establishing a culture of continuous improvement,
  • Professional risk prevention,
  • Regulations and standards,

‘Quality is not a quick or temporary fix, it’s a process of continuous improvement.’ – Armand V. Feigenbaum

ISO standards, tools and systems for good quality management

The integration of ISO standards into the QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, Environment) management system enables companies to manage all aspects of quality, safety, health and the environment in a coherent and effective way. ISO 9001 (Quality) ensures the efficiency of processes to satisfy customers, ISO 14001 (Environment) ensures the responsible management of resources and environmental impacts, and ISO 45001 (Safety) guarantees a safe working environment. By integrating these standards, companies can harmonise their practices for overall continuous improvement, respecting both stakeholder expectations and current regulations.

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‘Quality is everyone's business. - W. Edwards Deming

The Road to Zero Waste